19 december 2024
PowerPulse news December 2024
New colleague Kobe
In October, Kobe Meeuws started his journey at PowerPulse. After his business engineering study and his experience at Consultes over the past 2 years where he helped industrial customers with their mandatory energy reporting and monitored their compliance with energy regulations, Kobe will strengthen our techno-economic expert team. With developing customer specific energy tools, carbon emission reduction roadmaps, financial analyses for PV, wind, and flexibility, Kobe will be a great support for the wide spectrum of energy questions that our customers would like to be answered.

Greenification of drying process at Arvesta
In recent months, PowerPulse has carried out a techno-economic analysis for Arvesta to replace a gas burner as the heat source of a dryer. The study received financial support from Agoria and VLAIO through the 'vergroeningsscan'.
The technical analysis showed that the heat pump combined with heat exchangers could replace the gas burner. This would halve the energy consumption.
The economic analysis revealed the large impact of the ETS2-cost. Before 2029, the installation of a heat pump already becomes more financially interesting over its 20-year lifetime than the existing or a new gas burner due to the high additional cost for ETS2 starting from 2027.
If you also want to know more about the possibilities of making your heat supply more sustainable or the potential impact of ETS2, be sure to contact us.

Energy price forecast winter 2024/2025 and beyond
Can we count on the European gas storage for next winter? How about the availability of the nuclear installations? Will the next wave of LNG save us for the coming winters?
Benoit Matthys of PowerPulse gave the answer to all these questions and more on the Agoria Event on Forecasting 2025. By deep diving into recent trends in the energy markets, highlighting the concerns on nuclear availability in Belgium and France, discussing the natural gas supply in Europe, and pinpointing opportunities of the energy transition to tackle higher grid tariffs and upcoming ETS2, Benoit provided the audience with a thorough overview of what to expect in the energy market for the winter 2024/2025 and the following years, of how to shape your energy contract to be future proof, and of how to make the most out of the energy market with flexibility, capitalizing on the volatile markets, and price mitigation via hedging of forward blocks.
When you also want to know the answer to these questions and more, please feel free to contact PowerPulse.
During the event, Peter Vanden Houte (ING) gave his view on the geopolitics with a focus on what the evolutions in China, US, EU, and Belgium, and with a clear message that the geopolitical risk remains important, especially for Europe. Also Fevia, the federation of the Belgian food companies, Essenscia, Embuild, Agoria, and KBC brought the prospects of the food industry, chemical and life science industry, building sector, technology industry, metal prices, and wage costs.
A special thanks to Francis De Meyere and Agoria for this well organised event.

Financial opportunities of industrial flexibility
In November, Flux50 organised the Smart Energy Academy, with on the last day insights in practical solutions and best practices for energy management, storage, and integration of heat and electricity systems. With talks from Guy Vekemans, KU Leuven, BASF, CE+T Energrid, and SDM-Projects, a well-filled programme explained different perspectives.
Jan Gilot of PowerPulse gave an overview of where to find flexibility in an industrial environment and what kind of financial tools are available to valorise this flexibility. This was all illustrated with examples from practice on batteries, energy management systems, and flexibility in energy contracts.
If you as well have questions regarding the financial opportunities of the flexibility in your company, please feel free to reach out.

Impact of ETS2
2027 marks the introduction of ETS2, the emission trading system for road transport, buildings and sectors not covered by ETS. On November 22nd, Jan Gilot of PowerPulse had the privilege to discuss the topic and the impact of ETS2 on the energy costs of companies in a webinar organised by Voka Mechelen-Kempen. Several strategies to manage these extra costs were presented.
If you missed the webinar, you can rewatch the recording on https://tally.so/r/nWejqJ
If you want to know what ETS2 is all about, don't hesitate to contact us.